Monday, July 16, 2012

Long Time No Blog

Okay, so maybe it hasn't been that long, but my goal has been to post at least daily, so I've been slacking. The problem is, I've had pretty much no inspiration for blog posts lately. Life's been pretty boring minus going to Anacortes on Saturday. I guess I will write about that, but I'm not sure how much readers will care.
A part of Jesse's family lives in Anacortes and on Saturday, July 14th, the town had this yearly event called Shipwreck Day. They basically turn the main street of the town into a huge garage sale flea market type thing. Jesse and I didn't find anything that particularly caught our eye but it was nice to be walking around with his family and just getting out of the apartment. We brought Hiccup and there were lots of other dogs there; so many people had puppies, it was weird. There were also free kittens there and I had to resist the urge to take all of them home. I swear I'm going to be an animal hoarder when I'm older.
Jesse and I went to lunch by ourselves at this all-natural restaurant called Adrift. They had super good (but also super expensive) food. Some of the servers were really modified and I was really jealous of them. Not because of their modifications but because they were in a groovy little town that really didn't care about their tattoos and whatnot. Seattle is super chill about that sort of thing, but its immediate suburbs seem less-so. Or maybe it's just the company I'm working with? All I know is that I'm still constantly asked about my 'gauges' whereas in Seattle if you're not modified you seem to be the odd one out. But Anacortes is kind of a hippy funky little town with a lot of health shops and mellow people and I don't know, somewhere I would totally love to live. The only problem is Jesse's job only has locations in really urban areas in the Seattle area but Anacortes is over an hour from the closest branch of his job.
After lunch we went back to his mom's house and we all hung out (his mom, mom's boyfriend, grandma, sister, and nephew). Jesse and I forgot that we were going to be having burgers for dinner, so we had a second round of burgers but those were really good so no complaints there.
Later in the evening we went to the beach and hunted around for beach glass. We went to the same beach as I went to the first time I met Jesse's family last June. We also looked for beach glass on that day so it was kind of a cool 360, only this time we had a new addition to the family, Jesse's nephew Makai!
To wind down we all had ice cream or pie and then played a game of Yahtzee. Jesse and his grandma were on a total roll. Me, not so much. Jesse has this incredible luck and usually ends up getting TWO Yahtzees. I don't understand how he does it (well, I doubt he does either since it's a game of luck) but he won with over 350 points and his grandma was close behind him with just over 300 (and that's with only ONE Yahtzee!).
I made Jesse drive back home because I was tired and didn't know where I was going. He was not a happy camper, heh.
Sorry if this blog post was uber boring for you! It's all I really have to write about at the moment though.

Note: I will upload some pictures of some of the cool pieces of beach glass we found later this evening :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fast Food Withdrawals?

So lately I have been trying to work out and eat healthy in order to lose some extra pounds.
The problem is, I'm pretty sure that I am addicted to fast food. When I lived in Illinois I ate fast food literally once a day at the least. My dad let me have his credit card for food so I would be either eating out or going on long shopping trips in the frozen food section of Wal-Mart. When I wasn't eating fast food I was eating some sort of processed chicken, bagel bites, pizza rolls, corn dogs, fries... Lots of bad stuff. When I moved to Washington I wasn't able to get fast food quite as often but my diet still consisted of the same frozen goods, other than the occasional salad I would have.

Ever since I've started my diet late at night I will get intense fast food cravings. I will even get mood swings or cry because I want it so much. I will either feel extremely hungry despite the fact that I have recently ate, or I will feel full but still not feel satisfied and continue to eat.

Tonight for dinner in just a matter of a few hours I ate a very heavy soup (half a cup of rice, a ripped up chicken breast, and chicken broth), a large helping of salad, as well as three cups of fruit. I know that doesn't sound like that much but if you see three cups of fruit on a plate, well, it's a pretty huge amount to be eating after the preceding foods. My stomach is tight like a drum but I still want to eat. It's pretty awful.

I don't know what to do but I can't afford to be eating such monstrous amounts of produce with it costing so much.. at this rate I will be spending more than $300.00 a month on produce alone, for just one person. That's almost half of what I make during an average month at the theater (I can make a ton more when we are busy hah). But seriously.. Should I mix in some frozen junk shit just to satisfy my cravings? It would also save money. But that seems to defeat the point of eating all healthy and whatnot. All I know is I need to find a solution, fast.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Spoiling Myself n__n

So lately I've been getting some more 'posh' products. Spoiling myself a bit, I guess. So, I figured I would tell you guys what I've been splurging on!

Yesterday I bought myself a Clinique pressed powder. My skin gets pretty oily and I seemed to be going through my Studio Gear powder pretty quickly, so I wanted to get a more sheer powder to blot with instead of using up my normal powder. Unfortunately, they're basically the same price so I'm not really saving any money by not using up my Studio Gear powder but WHATEVER. At least I'm testing out a new product, right? I haven't used it much yet so I can't really tell you how it is though u___u
 I also purchased a tea tree face wash from The Body Shop. My friend Sam told me that it worked wonders for her skin so Jesse and I figured we would try it out. Today we are also going back and purchasing the acne fade night cream. 

Also, I have been using the Lush Ocean Salt scrub. I love how you just scrub your face with it until it dissolves and then you just rinse, you don't have to try to get any little scrubbing beads off your face or anything. It smells delicious too and it leaves your lips tasting salty! Luckily my father purchased me a large size when he was up in here in June and I didn't have to spend thirty bucks on it myself. 

Last night I was lazy about posting things on here (I was super tired) but I took some pictures of the sleepy bunch of us to post. xo

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


So I've always been pretty unhappy with my body. I'm tiny but I never do anything so places where there should be muscle my body has replaced with fat.

My goal is to lose basically all the fat on my body. I don't really want to replace it with muscle either, I just want to be stick thin. My height is 5'3" and my weight is somewhere around 115 pounds (I really need to invest in a scale). My goal weight as of now is 100 pounds. I plan on achieving this by dieting and exercise.

I've downloaded an app on my iPhone called 'Lose It!" that generates how many calories a day you can eat based on your current weight, height, sex, your goal weight, and how many pounds a week you want to lose. You can log all your foods into it as well as your exercise, it's pretty neat.
My calorie budget is 1, 212 calories a day. I love to eat so I am going to try to be careful about what foods I eat- low calorie foods are good because then I can eat a lot more. ^^

Foods I Eat:
  • There is an instant rice noodle soup from Thai Kitchen called Bangkok Curry and it has 170 calories. I eat this for dinner because it warms up my tummy and makes me tired as well as helping me feel full. 
  • Grapefruit is delicious as well as low calorie (one half a grapefruit has 39 calories). I eat it as a snack and share the other half with Jesse.
  • For lunch or dinner I have a half cup of brown rice that is boiled with a bouillon cube to give it more flavor. I put that at the bottom of a bowl and then add a half the breast of a chicken that has been boiled for an hour (we make a bunch at once) and add some of the broth from that chicken as well (we season it with a garlic powder when it is cooking). I also add a lot of pepper and sriracha sauce because I love spice! This meal has a total of roughly 275 calories. It's very filling though!
  • *Note: hot sauce helps your metabolism work faster. It's delicious too, so I try to put sriracha on as much food as I can!
  • I love raspberries and they are low calorie; one cup of them only has 64 calories.
  • Salad is delicious and has almost no calories (one cup of lettuce has 4 calories). I add two tablespoons of Newman's Own Lite Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing which has 45 calories. 
  • Mcdonald's salads are good on the go and are relatively low calories. I get the grilled chicken caesar salad but swap out the caesar dressing for lite balsamic dressing to lower the calories.
  • I absolutely hate water but I have to drink it now u___u I also drink Sleepytime tea which has camomile in it so it tastes like heaven and has zero calories. I like it sweet though so I sometimes add two teaspoons of sugar which has 33 calories.
  • Zucchini is also a good snack, an entire medium sized zucchini has only 20 calories.
  • I take multivitamin gummies (I can't handle pills, they are hard for me to swallow) which are 25 calories. The brand I use is "Alive!" multivitamin adult gummies.
Keep in mind that I'm only listing foods that I myself eat, there are obviously tons of other good healthy foods that I either don't like or haven't worked in to my regimen yet; I've been doing this for only five days!

I also work out. I do elliptical at the gym but running around outside and exploring the forest behind my apartment is fun and burns a lot of calories! Also, house cleaning burns more calories than you think so you could always count that as your exercise. The Lose It! app even has that listed as an exercise option that you can log. It's pretty great.

I'd also appreciate if no one commented anything about how 100 pounds is unhealthy. It's where I want to be and I'm not starving myself to do so. Negative comments won't change my mind about dieting.

Food Service Problems 2k12

So I don't know why, but lately I've been having really horrible experiences with fast food restaurants. I know fast food places aren't notorious for their excellent service but I believe that if their food is slowly killing me, I should at least not have additional years taken off my life just from the mere stress of dealing with their employees.
There's this one KFC I used to go to in Everett. Every time I went there they would forget to put something in the bag. Every damn time, I kid you not. When I would go through the drive thru again or into the lobby to let them know they forgot what I had asked for, they would look at my receipt, see that they had not charged me, and would just charge me for the product that they had forgotten. That is absolute shit customer service. If I have to turn my car around when I am half way home because of a mistake that you made, I should not have to fucking pay for it.
Also, a lot of fast food restaurants get pretty lazy about making stuff that they don't have premade. For example, back when I lived in Illinois there was a period of time I was convinced that buffalo snackers were no longer made because when I asked for one of them at like, 2:30 PM, they told me "Oh, we don't have those anymore". If you don't have any made, that's fine. I will gladly WAIT until they are done being made. It was nowhere near close to closing time, there was no way that they didn't have the materials to make one. All it consists of is buns and a chicken tender dipped in buffalo sauce. Goddamn.
This all came to mind because of my shitty Taco Bell I had tonight. My chalupa shell was stale as fuck and I got two sauce packets for my three tacos. I constantly tell myself I am going to write complaints to these companies but I never do so now at least I have some peace of mind knowing that I blogged about it.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Fed up.

So most of you guys know I have a chihuahua named Hiccup.
Who pisses on everything. Multiple times a day. In a carpet covered apartment that I had to pay a deposit on.
I'm literally at the end of my rope right now, I can't be washing my bed sheets every other day because she pisses on them. I don't want my fucking carpets to be ruined because she pisses all over them. I'm seriously over this, at this point she is just a nuisance. I can't trust her to be out of my sight because if she goes into the living room alone half the time I walk in there and she's shit in there.
I want to put her on Craigslist and find her a home with someone who has more patience than me. I have anger issues, a short temper, and zero patience. Jesse's upset with me because he likes her but he hasn't been the one paying deposits and he didn't pay for her either. I've had this conversation with him a billion times but I'm fucking serious now, this has gone way too far. We take her out frequently but that doesn't seem to matter.
I don't know if I'm being too harsh or something but honestly, having a dog should be an enjoyable experience for both myself and the dog. I'm not having a lot of fun here and I know the dog probably doesn't appreciate being locked up in her cage or scolded.
Jesse fucking hates me right now because of that damn dog. I don't understand how he can be upset with me in this situation. This dog is fucking up both my carpets and my relationship.

The Unexpected Workout

You know when you've lost something, you search relentlessly for it, only to discover it in the most obvious place? Well, today that happened to me. With my kitten.
I got home from dropping my keys off from my old apartment and I guess I didn't shut the door all the way or something, it was open just a crack. I said hi to my kitty before I showered for work, then showered, ended up getting cut from work, blah blah blah. I was sitting in bed on the computer for a while til I decided I wanted to have Omen (yes, we decided on keeping the name) come and snuggle with his mama. So, I go to look for him in the living room and stuff. Can't find him anywhere. Then I notice that the front door was open an inch or two and I just went into complete panic mode. I did another brief run through of the apartment, checked under the bed but I didn't see him there. I ran outside and was doing laps around the apartment complex and ended up asking some kids if they had seen my cat. They hadn't, but they agreed to help look for him. We were looking around for probably an hour before my friend Julia arrived at my apartment (she had come over because she wanted to meet my kitten, whoops). I told her to stay at the apartment while I continued to look for the cat. About twenty minutes later I get a call from her laughing telling me the cat was under the bed. I seriously felt so dumb, especially having to tell those kids they had been helping me look for nothing. Then they came to see the cat they'd been pointlessly hunting for. I asked if they wanted food and they didn't. I probably sounded like a pedophile. Whatever.
At least my calorie counter said I burned over 200 calories.

Here's a cute video of my kitten since you had to endure this shitty blog post.